Several years ago, together with my friend Susan Shapiro, we started looking for answers to the questions: What makes us motivated?; How do we find the resources to continue our spiritual journeys?. In a fluid society, where everything moves very quickly, as if time has compressed, it is important to turn our attention to ourselves and those around us. All these answers and concepts form the basis of The Teacher Within project, today the foundation of a national training program for teachers.
We, by our social nature, develop and evolve in groups and communities: from family and friend groups, on a personal level, to educational institutions and workplaces, on a professional level. The sense of belonging guides us in developing healthy and harmonious relationships directly with those around us and directly with ourselves.
Furthermore, in partnership with Tapestry Intergenerational Education Foundation and Stanford University, Transylvania College Foundation started developing the eight blocks of belonging to be implemented in schools and professional environments, with the purpose of creating a culture of belonging.
What is Belonging?
We, by our social nature, develop and evolve in groups and communities: from family and friend groups, on a personal level, to educational institutions and workplaces, on a professional level. The sense of belonging guides us in developing healthy and harmonious relationships directly with those around us and directly with ourselves.
A sense of belonging forms when gaining attention, understanding, acceptance, respect and support from group members, as well as by giving the same level of involvement as received. The need to belong to a group can also lead to changes in behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes as people conform to group norms and expectations.
The positive effects of having a sense of belonging, justify people’s need to join different groups and communities. Some of them are: stimulation of one’s own motivation, appearance of enthusiasm and joy, increase in confidence and self-esteem, etc. All these, together, ensure the state of long-term socio-emotional and mental well-being of each individual in the group.
The Eight Building Blocks of Belonging
Having a sense of belonging to a group or community emerges over time, gradually, based on eight building blocks: safety, empathy, sympathy, compassion, mutualism, respect, shared values and validation. Surely all these terms are well known, but this time, put in a context, in one place, they come to form a whole: belonging.
A sense of belonging is born in environments that give us security, where we develop confidence and where we feel joy. When we live safely, we feel peace of mind and soul and we can anchor ourselves in the present moment.
But how can we create a place where we feel safe? First, by surrounding ourselves with people who offer us empathy, sympathy, compassion. We, in turn, to strengthen this environment, offer reciprocity. The conclusion we reach through these actions, which we undertake voluntarily, is that healthy relationships matter.
Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion
When we understand that our perception is not the only one, we also manage to see the situation of the other, from the perspective that the interlocutor presents. By empathy we mean that our perception is not alone. When we are in sympathy, we recognize the difficult situation another person is going through, at which point we translate into the story being transmitted. Once we understand what the other person is going through, mentally, emotionally or physically, through compassion, we offer help and support.
The first four building blocks strengthen good relationships in families, marriages, groups of friends, and colleagues. Love, too. The four building blocks teach us to be flexible, to accept that we are different and to do things for others that bring joy and appreciation.
Mutualism, this social convention and indispensable part included in the first models of communication, found in the form of “feedback”, permanently indicates the degree of involvement of each individual that forms the group or community of which we are a part.
The sixth building block, respect, is also valuable. When we are safe, we respect ourselves and those around us by doing acts of kindness and love.
Respect is one of the most important moral values of the human being and grounds harmonious social interactions. One of the most important premises regarding respect starts from the fact that, in order to be respected, it is necessary to know or learn to respect, to understand the other, to appreciate his needs, interests and values.
Common Values
What is the most important value for us? When we find our purpose or path in life, we are actually supported at all times by our values. In this context, the feeling of belonging arises once we share common values. We feel that we resonate with those around us and identify ourselves in the characteristics, plans, thoughts of those who form the group.
The last, but not the last, validation is what connects them all: from having a safe environment, to showing our empathy, compassion, solidarity, etc. When you are validated, you receive a sign of recognition and acceptance from the other person, who understands your thoughts, feelings, behaviors. In fact, it shows you empathy, sympathy, compassion, mutualism and respect.
Invitation to reflection
- We invite you to reflect and identify which of the eight blocks of belonging you have identified as mostly needed in a difficult situation for you.
- What values do you have in common with members of the most important group you belong to? What is different?
- What would you like to see strengthened or changed in your groups/communities (family, school, church) so that you feel a stronger sense of belonging? Why?